Sunday, November 12, 2006

Next Up!

After I completed my Rollerblade project I kept myself a few copies to show future clients and friends in the industry. Let I mention my father is a graphic designer and he knows a lot of successful people in the field.

One of his best friends who printed out my deck for me was really impressed with the work I did. I used this project as a tool to get my name out there.

I will upload the rollerblade project so you know what I am talking about :

Please refer to the picture:

Now with the effort, long hours I made myself a little lunch money ha ha! More importantly he was impressed with my work and will use me in the future.

I was given a sheet of paper on everything he wanted me to design, I did all my rough notes and drawings. I came up with over 12 different posters but there was only 4 that he liked. It was a new experience for me because I never had anyone judge my work seriously. The funny thing is when it comes to money people don't joke around with you. It has to be perfect or else you will lose the business. I kept an open mind and I listened to all his needs and spoke to him about it.

Here you go, check it out:


Now can you pick out the one he liked? It was #4!

This poster will be used for this huge soccer tournament :)



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