Thursday, September 21, 2006


I'm trying my best to keep up with these blogs as much as I can. I am on the computer every single day doing whatever pops up in my mind. From watching a movie, downloading music, chatting on MSN, doing some homework ha ha. It was my day off today, I decided to go to school just to finish up on some homework. I worked more on my audio recording for Fred Duvall's class. I also did some English since I have an in class essay tomorrow. I am stressing over it, I want to do well on it but I think too much. When I think about a subject too much I tend to panic. I just need to make an outline for this story called Borders by Thomas King. It's a stupid, boring, long story about an old lady who was stubborn. I don't have a lot of homework besides the sketches, that are completely finished. It wasn't that hard, you just needed 7 ha ha. I hope I can find all my materials for Monday's class. My main issue is finding the foam core, I swear the dollar store has it. H m m m I have to double check at the Scarborough Town Center tomorrow. I'm so excited about this term, I will work my ass off just to succeed. I just turned 23 September 14 and I'm more wise then a 60 year old ha ha. I want to learn so badly with an open heart and dedicate myself to my passion. I love everything & God will bless me with the skills I need to succeed (I HOPE)! Anyways I am gone, time to finish this crap up.


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